
Welcome to the Spa2eyes website!

"Spa2eyes” aims to promote anti-pornography values. Viewing pornography can be addictive. It may result in "fatal" consequences.

Porn "kills." Pornography can "kill" the innocence of children or adults who view it, destroy the career of habitual viewers, and desensitize a person to view others as merely sex objects. It can steal the joy out of those who cannot live a day without pornography, sometimes resulting in a person contemplating suicide as the only way out of this painful addiction.

Let me tell you of another way out. Spa2eyes exists to help people live a porn-free life.

What is Spa2eyes? This anti-pornography ministry exists as a result of my thesis-project at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, California. As part of the project requirements, a seminar entitled "SPA" was conducted on January 28, 2007. In that seminar, attendees were taught some principles and preventive measures expressed in an acronym "PAGES."

This acronym refers to:

P: Porn kills - No thrill (Porn’s destructiveness leads only to pain and not thrill.)

A: All lies - Don’t try (Porn’s deceitfulness can easily entice a person to view it.)

G: God knows - Say no (God’s watchful eyes can motivate a person to avoid porn.)

E: End now - Get out (Intentional effort is needed for a person not to view porn.)

S: Speed call - Don’t fall (Accountability to someone helps a person to stay away from porn.)

Interested to know more about “SPA” training or to understand how this acronym "PAGES" works in a person’s life, email me at danielchua @ spa2eyes.com

Best wishes in enjoying a porn-free life!


Daniel Y.M. Chua

January 2007, Singapore

At Global Summit (4-7 Apr 2016) North Carolina